At Arrahmaan International School, we have put enormous efforts to build research culture in our school over the past few years. Our school research engagement is best seen as a conscious leadership strategy aimed at developing our school over a period of many years. The pinnacle is to reach a culture in which research engagement is “embedded”, ie “a vision, a set of procedures which become integral to the structure and culture of our school. Over time new ways of seeing and acting became habitual, reflexive, and ingrained in practice”. Although building up a consensus about practice may require few more years, our research engagement have an impact in our academic development.
Our school developed student research skills through research assistantships. Faculty mentors may also provide personalized research guidance. We start research practices right from the Grade 3.
Science fairs projects force students to go above and beyond what is typically required of them in school projects. It teaches our students interpersonal skills like how to present research or how to advocate for your own ideas in a research setting.